

GLITCHWEAR represents the fusion of art, fashion, and technology, encapsulating Dan Moores ongoing exploration into the glitch aesthetic—a celebration of digital imperfection. This project utilizes a sophisticated pipeline beginning in Unity, where scenes are crafted and rendered into a texture using Keijiro Takahashi's KlakSyphon powered by Anton Marini’s open-source Syphon framework. This texture is duplicated and dynamically manipulated in VIDVOX's VDMX software, where Moore employ both existing and bespoke GLSL shaders to distort and layer the visual effects. This method allows for a multidimensional exploration of digital media, enabling Moore to build upon and enhance each visual layer to form GLITCHWEAR's aesthetic.

At its core, each GLITCHWEAR piece is more than just clothing; it is a canvas for self-expression, inviting wearers to engage with a blend of artistic mediums. Custom-created for each order using Knit-On-Demand technology, GLITCHWEAR challenges the norms of mass-produced fashion, redefining the boundaries of wearable art and offering a unique visual identity that defies traditional beauty standards. Through GLITCHWEAR, Dan Moore aims to provide a platform for individuality, expressed at the intersection of technology and artisanal craftsmanship.